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Here are some of the great features of Freedom Feeder Small Hole Hay Net
Freedom Feeder Small, New and Improved with a safe release! How many of us get up at the crack of dawn with horses pawing? Restricted access to hay or forage isn't natural for horses, and it can cause problems ranging from boredom and destructive behavior to ulcers and digestive upset. However, some horses can't have free choice hay all day long, without gaining weight, wasting hay or making a huge mess! Finally, there's a great, easy solution. The Freedom Feeder Small Hole Hay Nets allow your horses to feed naturally 24/7 through a simple restricted free access feeding. Regular - 4' x 2.5' Holds at least 35 lbs of hay and lasts at least 24 hours Mini - 24" x 30" Holds at least 15 lbs of hay Each hole measures 1 1/2" x 1 1/2". Made in U.S.A. Please note: As with all hay nets, the Freedom Feeder should be hung at a sufficient height to avoid the risk of entanglement. To withstand the pulling and chewing associated with a hay net in use, the nylon mesh is extremely durable and will not give under pressure. As a result, its important to ensure the hay net is safely secured and wont become loose as the hay is consumed.
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